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maryhappy 2006 (18) autism

autism, atec 43, gfsfsfcf, verbal

Feedback Received For maryhappy

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submitted on 14/01/2017


Better 2006 (18)

Nuestra tercera semana de Omnia paso... el dia 10 empezamos pp ..ayer expulso un parasitos en mil pedazos y hoy me encontré debajo de mi celular una notita de mi hijo.Estamos muy emocionados mi marido y yo.El nunca rechazo un abrazo pero si que había que pedírselo e insistir. Llevamos dos días que viene y nos abraza sin pedírselo,nos dice cositas muy bonitas que suenan a música celestial.Su comportamiento en el cole es estupendo igual que en casa,hay días que esta un poco mas nervioso de lo normal , pero son poco los días,aun no le he podido aumentar a la segunda gota por su nerviosismoen algunos días...tengo pensado aumentarle la segunda gota cuando deje de estar nervioso. Afectivamente no me puedo quejar esta muy amoroso y muy dulce,incluso nos sonríe cuando nos mira. Ha dado un cambio de 180 grados.Por fin vemos un cambio con Omnia.


submitted on 05/01/2017


Better 2006 (18)

tuvimos que parar todo por 4 días , ya que mi hijo estaba insoportable , risas sin motivos y mucho nerviosismo, hace dos días cuando ya lo vi otra vez estable reanudamos el Omnia y el MMS, y hoy sacamos en los enemas mucha candida y un parasito cuerda. Le noto un poco menos obsesionado se entretiene con sus juegos de video y le gusta bailar(eso es nuevo). Espero no tener que volver parar su tratamiento. Seguimos con dosis máxima de MMS para su peso y una gota diaria de Omnia.


submitted on 27/12/2016


Not relevant/No progress 2006 (18)

25-27/12/2016... he was very nervous these days and we did two enemas a day....but today was a very very stressfull day... he wanted dance and sing and he laughed and laughed the whole day....and in the enema of this evening comes a parasite the first week of omnia is gone....he hat a nervous week, and a lot of candida and other parasites as usually was deleted....


submitted on 25/12/2016


Not relevant/No progress 2006 (18)

We received omnia 20/12/2006 and we started the same day.21/12/2016 this morning he ask his father if he was all right, we were very surprised he never interested as others are...
What draws our attention is that he was very calm not off.
22/12/2016 today he is very charlatan... he counted everything he did on school and summed us up a story that has been reading... We are not accustomed that he talk so much... In the evening before going to sleep he started a meaningless laughing...
23/12/2016 he woke up laughing we put an enema... still very nervous but not laughing anymore... thinking about giving a drop alternative days... believe that a daily drop is too much...
24 / 12 / 2016 was a stressful day... he woke up with tummy pain ... we did enema after the lunch and came out much similar to a fabric fine... .later began vomiting, we diceded to do another enema because he followed with tummy pains... in total we had made 4 enemas... was very weak throughout the day so decided to stop CD... he slept early...


submitted on 20/12/2016


2006 (18)

ATEC Score

Speech / Language / Communication
Sensory / Cognitive Awareness
Health / Physical / Behavior

submitted on 05/12/2016


Not relevant/No progress 2006 (18)

we are in 3 sprays of gcmaf.... and it is still the same .....concentration is better but he has ocd..


submitted on 23/11/2016


Better 2006 (18)

we started yesterday with two sprays daily, he is more nervous but not hyper he expels a lot of school he is making a lot of advances he develops his answers and he is brillant in maths...his concentration is day by day better....he still has ocd......


submitted on 19/10/2016


Better 2006 (18)

tomorrow we continue with every second day spraying.. yesterday he had a Little bit fever 37,5 Celsius... he was down , no energy, today he is ok again and he evacuated a lot of parasites. New is that he is playing in school with kids, he never played he always was alone in the playground,so his teacher is very happy about it.


submitted on 12/10/2016


2006 (18)

ATEC Score

Speech / Language / Communication
Sensory / Cognitive Awareness
Health / Physical / Behavior

submitted on 07/10/2016


Better 2006 (18)

Yesterday was the second time we sprayed, and today was the first time in his life , that he had say sentences who was meaningful, he usually speaks about cartoons and videogames. He is less hiperactivity and we saw him smiling I hope that all this will be there tomorrow.
