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Elizabeth Perez 2011 (13) Autism

First ATEC test was done in September 2016 with a score of 88. Started CD protocol in September 2016 as well. Second ATEC was done in November 2016 and the score was 75. We have done the first Kalcker PP in November 2016. Our daughter has been releasing rope worms since the second Enema done. Enemas are done every day, morning and evening. CD and Salt baths are also been done.

Feedback Received For Elizabeth Perez

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submitted on 18/01/2017

Elizabeth Perez

Better 2011 (13)

Today makes the 4th Week since we started giving OMNIA to our daughter. We continue with 2 drops in 10 ml of water. Not much has changed since last week. Her ATEC today shows 60, pretty much the same as last week, which was 58. She's still making progress in her speech, her speech tends to be more meaningful and she's now asking more meaningful questions than before. She's showing more interest in people's feelings and is asking why questions, such as: Why is this person crying? We have noticed that her appetite has increased tremendously, she's eating too much for her age. She continues to release large amounts of parasites in her stool every day with every Enema. She continues to have unexplained fears such as: Fears of hair on the bathtub, flies, etc. She's still very sensitive to loud sounds. She has not developed any more fever; and OMNIA has never given her any skin reactions so far.
We will continue to monitor her behavior and will continue to send feedback weekly.
Thank you.

OMNIA (from Research Initiative)

submitted on 18/01/2017

Elizabeth Perez

2011 (13)

ATEC Score

Speech / Language / Communication
Sensory / Cognitive Awareness
Health / Physical / Behavior

submitted on 10/01/2017

Elizabeth Perez

Worse 2011 (13)

ATEC today was 58. She went down 7 ATEC points since her last ATEC, which was 65.
However, her mood was worse this week. She's been in a very bad mood, a very uncooperative mood.

OMNIA drops from Research Initiative

submitted on 09/01/2017

Elizabeth Perez

2011 (13)

ATEC Score

Speech / Language / Communication
Sensory / Cognitive Awareness
Health / Physical / Behavior

submitted on 10/01/2017

Elizabeth Perez

Worse 2011 (13)

Monday, January 9th, 2017
Today makes the third week of OMNIA drops. We continue to give our daughter 2 drops of OMNIA in 10 ml of water once a day. No major changes this week other than her irritated mood. The sixth day she had a low grade fever again of 100.2, nothing major. She has begun to explore new things. She's also asking to drink more water than she did before. She continues to release parasites in her stool in every single enema given. She continues to be more verbal and is trying to communicate better. But she's being in a really bad mood this week, not wanting to cooperate and not being compliant.
We'll continue to monitor her behavior and will send in feedback next week. Her ATEC score today was

OMNIA drops from the Research Initiative

submitted on 02/01/2017

Elizabeth Perez

Better 2011 (13)

Monday, January 2, 2017. (Second week of OMNIA)
Today is makes the second week since we started giving the OMNIA drops to our daughter. This week we started with 2 drops of OMNIA in 10 ml of water daily. The low grade fever has disappeared. Shes learned a couple of new things without any intervention from an adult and she's exploring more. We just did another ATEC and her score went down from 73 to 65. She's responding to our questions better, with more logic. She's trying hard to say things correctly and correcting herself when she says things wrong. No skin rashes have appeared, nor other bad reactions while on OMNIA so far. She continues to release many parasites in her stool, especially large long rope worms. We will continue to monitor her behavior daily and send in another ATEC and feedback next week. Thank you.

OMNIA drops (from Research Initiative)

submitted on 26/12/2016

Elizabeth Perez

Not relevant/No progress 2011 (13)

December 26th, 2016
We started giving our 5 year old Elizabeth 1 drop of the Omnia drops in 10 ml of water daily during this first week. Today makes one week since we started Omnia.
This is what we have noticed during this First Week.
Her bahavior has gotten better. She has been very calm and relaxed. Her language/Speech ability has increased and she's making more sense in her communication. She seems to be more tuned-in. On the first day after taking 1 drop of Omnia in 10 ml of water, she developed a low grade fever of 100.8. On the second day, after taking Omnia, she developed a low grade fever of 100.5 and she released a large amount of worms in her stool (rope worms). The third day her fever was 102.2 and she started having a runny nose. The fourth day after taking Omnia, she developed low grade fever again, of 102.4. The fifth, sixth, and seventh days she also developed low grade fever after taking Omnia, of 100.5, 101.3 ,100.8, and she continues to release large amounts of worms in her stool. This morning she released a very very long rope worm in her stool.
We did an ATEC today and her score has gone down to 73. She was 88 when she first started taking Omnia.
We will continue to provide more feedback next week and another ATEC.
Thank you.
December 26, 2016

OMNIA drops (as part of the Research Initiative)

submitted on 12/05/2016

Elizabeth Perez

2011 (13)

ATEC Score

Speech / Language / Communication
Sensory / Cognitive Awareness
Health / Physical / Behavior