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Fica 2004 (20) Autism

12 godina dete. Atec140+, 19 meseci na cd, 13 pp pa ukljucujem maf od 8.9.2016. Dijeta po kerri 20 meseci Nakon nepunih mesec dana na maffu prestaju agresije kod ubijanja Od 01.9.maf svaki drugi dan ukljucujuci nos i usi. Znaci pet strca odjednom. 4000 iu d vitamina svaki dan Glavna promena, vidno srecno dete, nema agresija a ubija, smisleniji i vise izlazen pantomimicni govor Znojenje Translation: 12 y o child. ATEC 140+. 20 months on gf/cf/sf/sf diet. 19 months on CD protocol. Done 13 Kalker's PPs. Started GcMaf on 8th of September 2016. After one month of using GcMaf, my boy lost his aggressive behavior while we are killing parasites. Since 1st of October, we are using GcMaf every other day with 5 sprays at once, 1 in the mouth (under the tongue), 2 in the nose and 2 in the ears. We are taking vit D, 4 000 IU, every day. Improvements: Now very happy child, aggression stopped , trying to communicate, sweating.

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